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July 5, 2010

Situs Jejaring SWOM, memberikan Dollar!

SWOM adalah situs persahabatan dan bisnis terheboh terkini di dunia. Alexa ranking dari seluruh situs,berada pada ranking 4700,dan baru berdiri belum setahun di dunia dari UK, sudah bekerja sama dengan TWITTER. memberikan peluang bisnis maupun peluang untuk mengumpulkan pundi-pundi dollar. Mirip dengan Facebook atau Twitter, jejaring sosial ini memberikan peluang bagi mereka yang memiliki akun untuk menambah penghasilan dollar.

Namun untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari Swom ini, kita harus menjadi Gold Member. Karena di Swom ada dua klasifikasi member, yaitu Free Member dan Gold Member.
Untuk menjadi Gold, kita harus membayar $24,95. Baru bisa mengumpulkan pundi-pundi dollar.

ada dua cara mengumpulkan dollar di Swom, :
## Cara pertama, tanpa merekrut orang.
caranya dengan selalu melakukan interaksi secara positif ke teman-teman di Swom, mengucapkan salam,ucapan selamat,perkenalan dalam bahasa apapun,satu ketikan dapat 1 point, point tertulis di bawah foto kita namanya COMMUNITY SCORE, setiap ketikan akan menambah point kita,atau menambah teman di swom.setiap hari bisa kumpulkan 200 point dan menariknya ada BONUS POINT,namanya COMMUNITY CHEST,bisa berjumlah 10,20,50 bahkan 100 point,bonus point akan keluar mendadak,tergantung hoki kamu,asal rajin mengetik,bisa saja keluar di layar.
100 point lebih kurang 1 dollar.

## Cara kedua, dengan merekrut orang.
tersedia link promosimu di menu "contact" copy saja, trus promosi di blog mu, di email yahoo, di fesbuk,twitter atau website pribadimu. 1 orang direkrut dan jadi gold member, kamu di bayar 15 dollars,bonus perekrutan,kalo bulan berikutnya teman yang kamu rekrut perpanjang menjadi gold lagi, tetap dpt 5 dollar dari perpanjangan mereka.

Berikut gambaran untuk cara kedua :
(1 orang 5 dollar kalo renewal/perpanjang)
10 orang = 10x 5 dollar = 50 dollars
100 orang = 100 x 5 dollar = 500 dolllars
1000 orang = 1000 x 5 dollar = 5000 dollars
tidak ada point yang hangus, semua di akumulasi

ada 2 pilihan pembayaran:

## CREDIT CARD, tekan menu income, ada pilihan upgrade, klik aja nanti di suruh pilih pake credit card atau tidak?

## ALERTPAY, alertpay adalah rekening bisnis online,harus buat,cara membuat rekening alertpay klik disini.
Jika tidak punya dana alertpay? bisa beli sama rekan yang punya dana, transaksi lewat bank lokal dulu,transfer ke BCA atau bank lainnya, trus nanti baru di transfer dana alertpay ke rekening alertpay mu.

Bisa dibayar lewat cheque,memakan waktu 6 minggu, tiap tanggal 10 tiap bulan ada penarikan komisi kita, nanti kita bisa pilih mau ambil pake cheque atau tidak?
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trus apa setelah di kirim ke alertpay bisa kita tarik dari bank lokal kita, jawabannya BISA,kena biaya transfer 15 dollar, jadi sebaiknya dana alertpay di jual aja yang membutuhkan dana alertpay, banyak yang membutuhkan buat upgrade, transaksi secara pribadi.
daftar dijejaring sosial Cari teman dan pasarkan bisnis anda di
klik di untuk mendaftar.

Orang tidak akan menjadi sukses jika mereka hanya diam. Orang tidak akan menjadi kaya jika dia tidak bekerja dan berusaha.


June 29, 2010

Ramalan Mengerikan Tahun 2010.

Boleh percaya boleh tidak tapi ramalan ini sunggung mengerikan. Seorang peramal asal Bulgaria, yang disetarakan dengan Nostradamus atau peramal terkenal Valdes, mengatakan, perang dunia ke 3 akan meletus pada November 2010.

Diawali dengan perang antara Negara tetangga yang berkembang menjadi besar dan melibatkan banyak Negara, serta terjadi perang nuklir dan senjata kimia. Peran ini akan berlangsung empat tahun, hingga 2014.

Akibatnya sungguh mengerikan, perang ini menghancurkan hampir semua kehidupan di belahan bumi Utara, khususnya Eropa yang penduduknya nyaris musnah. Benua eropa diramalkan hanya didiami hanya sedikit orang karena banyak yang musnah karena perang.

Perang Dunia kali ini tidak seperti perang dunia I dan II, kali ini kecanggihan teknologi persenjataan, nuklir, kimia, dll, ikut berperan menghancurkan semua, bukan hanya pasukan yang terlibat perang tapi juga masyarakat yang tak berdosa. Setelah perang, hampir sebagian besar penduduk dunia akan mengalami penyakit kanker kulit dan penyakit kulit lainnya akibat senjata kimia dan nuklir.

Lebih jauh tentang ramalan itu ikuti ulasan ini.

Tidak banyak orang percaya pada ramalan namun kepercayaan itu biasanya baru akan muncul ketika apa yang diramalkan mulai menunjukkan kebenaran atau menjadi kenyataan. Seperti halnya Vanga yang memiliki nama asli Vangelia Gushterova, seorang peramal asal Bulgaria.

Pada awal kemunculannya, tak banyak orang percaya prediksinya tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang akan terjadi pada masa depan. Namun seiring waktu ketika prediksinya itu mulai menjadi kenyataan, orang pun mulai berpaling padanya. Mulai mengingat-ingat apa yg pernah dikatakannya dulu. Banyak ramalan-ramalan Vanga tentang peristiwa-peristiwa besar yang mengguncang dunia, pada akhirnya menjadi kenyataan.

Vanga telah meninggal sejak 1996. Namun ramalan-ramalannya tentang masa depan dunia kini dicermati semua orang. Setelah sejumlah ramalan terdahulu menjadi kenyataan. Sebut saja, prediksinya tentang serangan teroris pada Amerika pada 9 September 2001 atau dikenal dgn 9/11. Ketika itu dia mengatakan Amerika akan ‘jatuh' oleh serangan burung baja. Dan itu menjadi kenyataan di mana pusat kebanggan Amerika, World Trade Center, ditabrak oleh pesawat yg dibajak teroris.

Dia juga pernah meramalkan tentang meletusnya Perang Dunia ke-II, juga tentang perestroika yang menjadikan ‘ wajah' Rusia berbeda, serta kematian Putri Diana. Atau tenggelamnya kapal selam Kursk di Laut Barents yang berhubungan dengan konflik bersenjata di South Ossetia. Ramalan tentang tenggelamnya kapal selam nuklir kebanggaan Rusia, Kursk, ini diungkapkannya pada 1980. Ia mengatakan," pada pada agustus antara tahun 1999 atau 2000, Kursk akan diliputi air dan dunia akan menangisinya". Ternyata terbukti, tahun 2000 kapal selam nuklir itu tenggelam.

Namun yang menggegerkan Vanga meramalkan tentang meletusnya Perang Dunia ke-3 tahun 2010. Berdasarkan terawangnya, Perang Dunia ke-3 itu terjadi karena konflik akibat percobaan pembunuhan terhadap kepala Negara, yakni Ukraina, Estopnia, Lituania dan Polandia yang bagian ke Georgia. Perang Dunia meletus setelah konflik yang terjadi di Hindustan (India).

Awalnya, perang tersebut hanya perang local antar Negara tetangga yang dimulai pada November 2010. Lalu perang itu merembet melibatkan banyak Negara, terjadi perang nuklir dan senjata kimia. Perang Dunia ke III ini akan selesai menjelang Oktober 2014.

Berikut ini cuplikan ramalannya yang mengerikan:

2011: akibat perang, hujan radioaktif akan menghancurkan hampir semua kehidupan di belahan bumi Utara. Kebanyakan orang-orang Eropa akan musnah dan menghadapi ancaman dari Muslim yang akan mempergunakan senjata kimia untuk menghabisi mereka.

2014: Akibat mengerikan diterima penduduk dunia akibat serangan senjata kimia dan nuklir selama perang. Di mana sebagian besar penduduk dunia akan menderita kanker kulit dan penyakit kulit lainnya.

2016: Penduduk Eropa hingga sedikit, nyaris benua itu tidak didiami.

2018: Cina akan tampil sebagai Negara superpower baru, yang memiliki kekuasaan besar di dunia. Yang tadinya eksploiters akan menjadi yang diekploitasi.

2023: Orbit tanah akan berganti

2025: Penduduk eropa masih sangat jarang.

Vanga lahir 1911 dengan nama Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, setelah menikah namanya menjadi Vangelia Gushterova. Ia berasal dari Bulgaria dan buta sejak usia 12 tahun. Vanga banyak menghabiskan hidupnya di area Rupite di Kozhuh Mountains, Bulgaria. Ia diduga buta huruf dan tidak menulis apapun ramalannya. Ramalan-ramalannya hanya diucapkan dan orang merekamnya. Kadang ada kesulitan, karena ucapannya kadang bercampur dialeg Bulgaria yang sulit dimengerti.

Ia mengatakan, kemampuannya melihat masa depan karena bantuan makhluk gaib yang mendampinginya dan membisikkan padanya tentang apa yang akan terjadi. Tapi Vanga tidak bisa menjelaskan dari mana makhluk gaib itu berasal. Makluk gaib itulah yang memberinya informasi tentang orang atau apapun yang akan terjadi atau telah terjadi.

Kini ramalan-ramalan Vanga menjadi objek penelitian Institut Bulgaria. Sebanyak 7000 ramalannya kini tengah diteliti. Dari penelitian tersebut, dikatakan bahwa 80 persen dari ramalannya akurat. Sesaat sebelum kematiannya, Vanga , meramalkan, bumi akan dilanda keresahan dan ketidak seimbangan, serta sejumlah makluk luar angka (alien) yang sebenarnya telah bertahun-tahun hidup di bumi.


17 Amazing Concept Cars

New York is the last major auto show of the season, and most automakers have already launched new models and concepts in Europe, Los Angeles, and Detroit, leaving little for the Big Apple. But a few automakers, notably Hyundai, hold back, using this otherwise quiet show to stand out from the crowd, and other automakers show off either cars that will play well in New York or special trim levels.

Check out the cars..

Honda P-NUT
With the influx of new city cars such as the Honda Fit, Honda's Advanced Design Studio looked beyond current models to come up with a concept for what a future city car would look like. The result? The Personal-Neo Urban Transport, or P-NUT.

BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics With its emphasis on uncompromising sports car performance, BMW hasn't exactly been on the cutting edge of fuel efficient design. But the Vision EfficientDynamics concept shows that the company is taking a hard look on how it can improve efficiency. The concept uses an aerodynamic design and a complex hybrid power train to get 63 mpg, without sacrificing sports car performance.

Citroen Survolt
Citroen created the Survolt concept as a reaction to the typical electric cars currently in the pipeline toward production. Where those cars actively eschew style, the Survolt gathers it up and flaunts it. Where electric cars serve as transportation appliances, the Survolt delivers sports car looks, or possibly a bad hallucination.

Audi e-tron
Audi showed off different versions of the e-tron electric concept during the auto show season, but this one was the first. The e-tron's four traction motors deliver enough power to get the car to 62 mph in 4.8 seconds, and run for a range of 154 miles. The motors deliver a combined 313 horsepower, and an astounding 3,319 pound-feet of torque.

Ford Start
The Ford Start is a new urban vehicle that's powered by a three-cylinder 1-liter engine using Ford's EcoBoost turbo technology. Ford claims this tiny engine would deliver the power of a larger displacement four-cylinder engine. The LCD in the cabin shows an iPhonelike interface.

Peugeot BB1
The BB1 uses two in-wheel electric motors for propulsion, but more interestingly, this 8-foot-long city car seats four. The BB1 has a smartphone port, fully integrating apps on the car's dashboard. Peugeot has been showing off the car in Europe, driving it in cities such as Berlin, London, and Paris.

GMC Granite
GMC refers to the Granite as an urban utility vehicle, a car young professionals can hit clubs in on weekday evenings, then load up with mountain bikes and surfboards on the weekends. It is powered by a turbocharged 1.4-liter engine mated to a six-speed dual-clutch transmission.

Hyundai ix-metro
The ix-metro is a city car concept, intended to have a 1-liter gas engine coupled to a hybrid system. The short wheelbase and high stance suggest a practical interior. The latch placement suggests that the doors open suicide-style.

Hyundai i-flow
The i-flow explores some interesting power train technology. Hyundai specifies a two-stage turbocharger on a 1.7-liter diesel engine, complemented by an electric drive motor, achieving 78 mpg. An interesting new technology uses the heat from the exhaust to generate additional electricity, up to 250 watts when the concept is traveling 50 mph.

Toyota FT-CH
Toyota showed off the new hatchback hybrid concept at the Detroit auto show in January, then came out with the Lexus CT-200h at the Geneva show in March. The CT-200h has similar lines as the concept, making it the fastest move from concept to production car we've ever seen.

Volkswagen Up Lite
The Up Lite is powered by a 0.8-liter turbo-diesel two-cylinder engine that shares motivational duties with a 10kW electric motor for a total of about 64 horsepower. Putting power to the front wheels is a seven-speed DSG transmission.

Citroen Revolte
Citroen's small car concept is intended to be powered by a hybrid drivetrain. Past Citroen hybrid concepts have used a gas engine on one set of wheels and an electric motor on the other. This concept looks a little small for that type of architecture.

Mini Roadster
Mini showed off a concept even smaller than its current Cooper at the Frankfurt auto show. Unlike the current Mini Cooper convertible, the Roadster's top is manual, but shouldn't require much effort to raise and lower.

Peugeot SR1
Peugeot says the SR1 telegraphs new design style for the company's cars. The SR1 is meant to modernize the grand tourer, working as a sporty car for weekend getaways. Peugeot notes that its traditional lion badge was redesigned for this concept, and will be used going forward in new production cars.

Mercedes-Benz Shooting Break
The Shooting Break Concept was unveiled at Auto China 2010. The name, which means the same thing as shooting brake, comes from the term for a wagon used to break horses, then later used as a hunting wagon. This concept uses a new engine from Mercedes-Benz, a direct injection 3.5-liter V-6 making 306 horsepower.

Lotus Evora 414E Hybrid
The Lotus Evora, the biggest car in Lotus' current lineup, serves as the platform for this hybrid concept. Lotus calls it the 414E Hybrid, the number signifying the metric horsepower of the car--that equals 404 horsepower. The purpose of the concept is to demonstrate Lotus' hybrid technology.

Porsche 918 Spyder
Porsche demonstrated its commitment to hybrid technology with the 918 Spyder concept, a car that boasts outlandish specifications. The two-seater uses a plug-in hybrid system composed of two electric motors coupled to a 3.4-liter V-8 racing engine. The car is capable of going 16 miles under electric power alone, and Porsche claims fuel economy of 78 mpg, but it also gets to 60 mph in just 3.2 seconds.



June 24, 2010

Scenes from the Gulf of Mexico

Based on recently revised estimates, BP's ruptured oil well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico continues to leak 25,000 to 30,000 barrels of oil a day. The new figures suggest that an amount of oil equivalent to the Exxon Valdez disaster could still be flowing into the Gulf of Mexico every 8 to 10 days. Despite apparent efforts to restrict journalists from accessing affected areas, stories, video and photographs continue to emerge. Collected here are recent photographs of oil-affected wildlife, people and shorelines around the Gulf of Mexico on this, the 51st day after the initial explosion.

Oil covered brown pelicans found off the Louisiana coast and affected by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico wait in a holding pen for cleaning at the Fort Jackson Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana, June 9, 2010. (Getty Images)

Hermit crabs struggle to cross a patch of oil from the the Deepwater Horizon spill on a barrier island near East Grand Terre Island, Louisiana on Sunday, June 6, 2010. (AP Photo)

A brown pelican coated in heavy oil wallows in the surf June 4, 2010 on East Grand Terre Island, Louisiana. (Getty Images)

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill coats marsh grass at the Louisiana coast along Barataria Bay Tuesday, June 8, 2010. (AP Photo)

A controlled burn of oil from the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill sends towers of fire hundreds of feet into the air over the Gulf of Mexico June 9. (U.S. Coast Guard Photo by Petty Officer First Class John Masson)

Workers clean a Brown Pelican covered in oil at a rescue center at a facility set up by the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana on Saturday, June 5, 2010. (AP Photo)

Brown Pelicans, covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, huddle together in a cage at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana June 6, 2010. (REUTERS)

Tim Kimmel of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carries an pelican covered in oil from a nesting area to a waiting boat in Barataria Bay, Louisiana June 5, 2010. The pelican was successfully transported to a stabilization center on Grand Isle, Louisiana before being taken to the Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center at Venice, Louisiana for cleaning. (REUTERS)

An exhausted oil-covered brown pelican tries to climb over an oil containment boom along Queen Bess Island Pelican Rookery, 3 miles northeast of Grand Isle, Louisiana June 5, 2010. Wildlife experts are working to rescue birds from the rookery which has been affected by BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and transporting them to the Fort Jackson Rehabilitation Center. (REUTERS)

Oil sheen is seen streaking under the Perdido Pass Bridge from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico off the Alabama coast as viewed from a Coast Guard HC-144A plane Thursday, June 10, 2010 in Perdido, Alabama. (AP Photo)

Clumps of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill splash in the surf on a beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama on June 4, 2010. (AP Photo)

Oil slicks move toward the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama, Saturday, June 5, 2010. Oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster has started washing ashore on the Alabama and Florida coast beaches. (AP Photo)

A sea turtle is mired in oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Grand Terre Island, Louisiana June 8, 2010. (REUTERS)

Patches of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill are seen from an underwater vantage, Monday, June 7, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana. (AP Photo)

APTN photographer Rich Matthews dives into the water to take a closer look at oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill on June 7, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana. (AP Photo)

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill pools against the Louisiana coast along Barataria Bay Tuesday, June 8, 2010. (AP Photo)


Become a Children’s Book Writer

If you have ever dreamed about writing children’s books or if you’ve already started, you it may be time you get some help writing books for children.

The thing is, writing children’s books is not as easy as some people think. Just because a child is young and innocent doesn’t mean you can throw together some pictures of animals doing silly things will turn you the big profit you’re hoping for.

You have plenty of options but if you’re not so sure how the industry really works and what the demands are of your audience (children AND publishers) then you’ve got to step back and learn more about how the industry works.

There are some hot industries right now in children’s books, but a few rules you need to keep in mind…

You shouldn’t talk down to kids. Don’t treat them like babies by underestimating their ability to understand.

Make sure you entertain as opposed to teach. If you entertain and there’s a lesson in the end, that works. But trying to entertain should be the number one goal.

Don’t use talking animals. That’s what the amateurs do (yeah, the ones who never get published). Winnie the Pooh and Peter Rabbit are classics. Johnny the chipmunk is not.

It is very possible to become a published author of children’s books. And if you have a knack for writing and you’re willing to work hard to perfect your skills and understand the techniques, you can be successful.


Effects of Olive Oil on Weight Loss

Most people who diet will cut out all fats, and this isn’t necessarily the right choice to make. Instead, you might just need to change the oil that you consume in an effort to lose weight. One way that has been proven effective is to replace vegetable oil and lard with olive oil. Research has been done on the effects of olive oil on weight loss, and the results are very encouraging.

Does Olive Oil Have an Effect on Weight Loss?
When olive oil is used in place of other oils, it has a definite effect on weight loss. This is because most other oils are saturated fat, while olive oil is a mono saturated fat. There is a huge difference between the two in terms of how it affects the human body. Among all mono saturated fats, research has proven that olive oil is the healthiest.

Olive oil has the greatest effect on weight loss when it is combined with a low carbohydrate diet. In fact, when you have a low carb diet, you can have a high amount of olive oil in that diet as well, and lose weight. Research has shown that a diet high in mono saturated fat and low in carbohydrates results in more weight loss than a diet that is low in fat and high in carbohydrates. The research concluded that when olive oil is included in the diet, and carbohydrates are reduced, a person tends to eat less altogether.

Does Olive Oil Have a Better Effect on Weight Loss Than No Oil?

Naturally, anytime you remove fats from your diet you will lose weight. With that said, however, removing all fats from your diet isn’t necessarily healthy, and it certainly isn’t conducive to keeping weight off once you’ve lost it.

Eliminating all oil, and fat, from your diet will result in faster weight loss, without a doubt, and if fast weight loss is what matters most to you, eliminate all oil, including olive oil. If slower more permanent weight loss is more important, use olive oil instead of other types of oil, and make sure that it is extra virgin olive oil. But in the end, you cannot ignore the health benefits of olive oil altogether.
Other Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Aside from helping you to lose weight, olive oil has other health benefits that you should be aware of. At least a teaspoon of olive oil a day can actually lower your blood cholesterol by about five percent. This amount of olive oil each day also reduces your risk of heart disease.

Although the theory and belief has not been proven, it is also widely believed that mono saturated fat, such as olive oil, has the ability to aid the body in breaking down body fats, which can also aid in additional or more effective weight loss.


Another Pics of Indonesia

Indonesia, a sprawling country of contrasts is made up of 17,500 islands and populated by over 240 million people, and is home to the world's largest population of Muslims. Recent news stories from Indonesia include deadly mudslides, controversy over a statue of US President Barack Obama (who attended school there as a child), and stricter enforcement of Muslim sharia law, instituted in Aceh province, where a recently passed law bans women from wearing tight trousers. Collected here are a handful of recent images from places all around Indonesia.

A worker looks through incense sticks during a drying process ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year at an incense factory in Tangerang, Indonesia's Banten province February 8, 2010.(reuters)

Thousands of motorists sit stuck in the morning gridlock after a group of protesters blocked one of Jakarta's main roads on February 22, 2010. The number of motor vehicles including motorcycles in greater Jakarta has almost tripled in the past eight years to 9.52 million. Meanwhile road space has grown less than one percent annually since 2004, according to the Indonesian Transport Society.(AFP)

A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe carries wood from the river to sell at their village in the forest area of the Kendeng mountains on February 7, 2010 in Banten, Indonesia. The traditional community consists of around 5,000-8,000 people spread across a hilly area of just 50 square kilometers. Their religion, known as Agama Sunda Wiwitan, combines elements of Hinduism, Buddhism and traditional beliefs, including various taboos such as not eating food at night, touching money, accepting gold or silver or even cutting their hair.

A teacher comforts a crying pupil at the temporary school in the Bantar Gebang landfill site, one of Jakarta's biggest dump sites, on January 26, 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Children who live and work at the landfill site are schooled by day before going to help their parents scavenge and sell their finds after classes are over. Around 6,000 metric tons of garbage are dumped daily at the landfill site.(Getty images)

Eleven-year-old Nung stands on the mountain of rubbish where she will collect plastic, at the Bantar Gebang landfill site, one of Jakarta's biggest dump sites, on January 27, 2010. (Getty Images)

Workers sleep on the deck of a wooden ship as they travel to Jakarta for work from the Thousand Island district of Indonesia on January 27, 2010. The Thousand Islands district consists of about 105 small islands with around 30,000 inhabitants. (REUTERS)

An Indonesian police officer peeks through riot shields during an anti-government rally outside the presidential palace in Jakarta January 28, 2010. Thousands of anti-government protesters rallied on Thursday to mark the first 100 days of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's second term. (REUTERS)

A technician repairs a tractor inside the PT Aneka Tambang gold mine in Pongkor, West Java, Indonesia, on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010. (Bloomberg)

Sumbanese men carrying wooden spears ride their horses during a ritual war festival called Pasola in Lamboya, West Sumbawa February 6, 2010. During the annual festival, two groups of Sumbanese men ride their horses and fling wooden spears at each other. (REUTERS)

A fisherman tries to get close to a migrant whale shark from his wooden boat near Bentar beach in Probolinggo of Indonesia's East Java province February 4, 2010. (REUTERS)

Tigers recently confiscated from the residence of an Indonesian businessman sit inside a cage at Animal Rescue Center run by Indonesian Forestry Ministry and Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia (ASTI) in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, Monday, Feb. 22, 2010. Conservationists recently slammed a government plan that would allow Indonesians to keep endangered Sumatran tigers as pets if they give a $100,000 deposit and build a large enough enclosure. The tigers' DNA is currently being tested to determine their species. (AP Photo)

A villager stands at a protected forest area to collect grass for his livestock in Mojokerto, East Java province February 11, 2010. (REUTERS)

Contestants in traditional dresses take part in Social Cultural Transvestite Queen beauty pageant in Banda Aceh, Aceh province, Indonesia, late Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010. The transvestite beauty pageant was held for the first time in the country's only province that officially adopted Islamic sharia law. Nearly all of the province's 4 million residents are Muslim. (AP Photo)

A worker carries a sack of rice at a paddy field in Karawang, in Indonesia's West Java province January 21, 2009. (REUTERS)

Workers process milkfish at a fish farm and hatchery near Pulau Pramuka in the Thousand Islands, north of Jakarta, February 18, 2010. The fish farm, which has a floating hatchery with an area of 3,000 square metres, produces more than 400 kilograms of boneless milkfish a day. (REUTERS)

A caterpillar hangs from a silk thread in Jakarta on January 30, 2010. (REUTERS)